The Content Plan(s)

Hello again.


Here’s the plan.

At the moment, my content is split in 3 places, soon to be 2. I’ll explain what each is, and then after I’ll explain what I’ll do with them.

The first segment is right here. Hello! This will continue to be my more personal artistic and creative writing site. The second is at, which is the business site which will focus on content with somewhat better production, and will listing and eventually even selling our projects and outputs, including my novels.

The final segment, I’ll explain and address right here. It’s the old site which I had been working on since 2017. We’re moving from being other-hosted to being self hosted. That could be its own blog post, but for now I’ll put it like this:

I need to migrate as many people as are interested from the old site (which is now to here, I know it’ll take some time, and I won’t get everyone, but it’s worth letting my old audience know that I’ve moved, rather than just going dark on them.

Now let’s look at That site is far from ready, but it’ll be the main “hub” site from now on.

That will be a more traditional company website for Chochma Arts Ltd. Hopefully I’ll fill it up with cool previous and high quality posts for those who are interested mostly in updates and content without too much fluff or conjecture.

That leaves us here at This is the place of my artistic endeavour, practice, conjecture, and opinion. I expect most of my blog writing to be done here, especially since my experimentation into other sites has not gone as well as writing on my own turf (I’ll no doubt write about that soon).

So, sit back and enjoy. Oh, and feel free to join the Chochma Arts newsletter. If you’re not sure what that is, that’s just the name of my company, incorporated in 2020. I’ll be publishing my books and other projects under that label, but don’t worry, it’s all me.

Check out the newsletter for some exclusive early content and updates, and to know when my novels and other projects are releasing. This will be my core newsletter, I’m expecting to share to the mailing list 2-5 times a month.

I’ll get to making a more frequent, more personal newsletter for this site once things are more settled, and I have a novel or two or out. For now, I think one, as well as this blog (and the youtube channel) is enough!

Thanks for reading,

Daniel Triumph.

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